South Pacific Ocean

Cream Puff is in Tahiti

  When we left Galapagos, our destination was meant to be the Marquesas Islands, specifically Nuku Hiva in French Polynesia some 3400 miles due west. Our plans changed because of new Covid-19 regulations made by the French government regarding check-in procedures. About 60 hours out of Nuku Hiva, our agent notified us of the changes […]

Categories: Nautical Stuff, Pre-sailing Preparation, Sailing Adventures, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

Isabela Island, Galápagos

Karma caught up with us. In our previous post, I gave the ARC boats a hard time for not using stern anchors and basically not looking at surrounding boat’s ground tackle before they picked their anchor location. Well, when it came to for us to leave, we had an issue retrieving our stern anchor. It […]

Categories: Galápagos, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos – Part Two

The biggest disappointment so far in the Galápagos Islands is the Darwin Center. We were hoping to learn about Darwin and the details of evolution. Instead, we were made to feel guilty for being human. It is nothing more than a bad zoo with captive iguanas and giant tortoises.  It is touted as a research […]

Categories: Galápagos, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos – Part One

Some mornings after I have made my pot of Taylors of Harrogate English Breakfast Tea and climb up into the cockpit to do the morning crossword, I am amazed we are in Galápagos.  This place is awesome! Cindy said a couple of days ago, she too looks around and is so glad we are here. […]

Categories: Galápagos, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

San Cristóbal, Galápagos (Part Two)

Still on San Cristóbal, we are exploring the small town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. It is really charming. What has surprised me the most is the food here is very good. We fell in love with an open-air restaurant called Rosita’s. Looking at the menu, it has a dish for just about everyone. I couldn’t […]

Categories: Galápagos, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

San Cristóbal, Galápagos (Part One)

Arriving in Galápagos my expectations were pretty low. I know I have said this before, I can be a little pessimistic. Pessimists are either right or pleasantly surprised. Cindy, as always is much more optimistic. Based on all the fees, red-tape, and the hoops we had to jump through to get here, I had envisioned […]

Categories: Galápagos, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

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