Pre-sailing Preparation
A day in my life. “Hey Cindy, today I’m going to install the new GPS unit I bought. You remember me telling you about it. It tracks the Russian satellites from the GLONASS system as well as the USA system. I think I told you about it, didn’t I? Well, during the cold war, the […]
Our time in St Petersburg is getting short. We are slightly giddy with excitement about our first passage as cruisers. Although, we are not sure where we will go first. As it stands right now, we will hop to the Dry Tortugas, sail around Key West (been there, done that), and hit some stops up […]
A New Rig
This week was the most expensive week of our lives! Ouch. Okay, perhaps the day when we purchased a house or one of our boats was really the most expensive week of our lives. But, we don’t have jobs anymore and when money goes out, it doesn’t come in (this is really quite scary […]
We’ll know in a couple of hours…
Am I about to die of food poisoning? I have an insatiable curiosity. It is who I am. Because of this, I read. A lot! As our plan to go sailing came closer into view, I substituted my reading material of investment prospectus’ and sales related leadership books to boat blogs, cruising guides and […]
Earning Checkmarks
10 Things to do before going cruising, made easy: Set a 20 year savings plan allowing us to retire before 55, afford a boat and not have to worry about money during our sailing adventures Work Hard Save money Avoid buying […]
Surprise Surprise!
Nobody is more surprised than I am at the number of people who follow our blog. We really enjoy doing the updates and hope we can bring a smile to a reader’s face every once and a while. We do the blog mostly for selfish purposes. It is a way for us to look back […]
Almost Homeless
So, the blog has been quiet for a little while over the holidays. Just the opposite is true in our lives. We returned to the house on Christmas day to clean up the yard and rake leaves. As I write this, I am so happy to think it will be a very very very long […]
Our Home Entertainment System
For the past few years, we have stashed a few books in the closet with good intentions of reading them later. Almost all the books you see here where given to us or we swapped with some of our friends. Knowing one day we would be sailing and have some time for rest and […]
Life on a Boat
Our first week on the boat was marvelous. Our pace has slowed from crazy go like a mad thing to slow but sure. We hoped to do a little sailing but the weather this week was yucky. But hey, we have plenty of time for sailing down the road. We spent most of our time […]
Moving onto the Boat – Part 2
For the past nine weeks at our house, our daily routine has been get up, eat breakfast stuff, pack stuff, throw away stuff, clean stuff and repeat. We have worked our little derrières off and our fingers to the bones. Each night, after a 14 hour day of this routine, we lay in bed and […]
Moving onto the Boat – Part 1
Please exit via the garage. Turn left for the dumpster. Turn right for the moving truck. We still continue to participate in the exasperating exercise of keep it or toss it. For those of you counting, this is our third dumpster. Can you believe it? I can’t. Perhaps we could have picked up a […]
Storage Wars
Wanted: 2600 cubic feet Wow! What a rollercoaster ride we have had this week. As you could see in Cindy’s latest post, we are up to our ears in boxes and packing materials. Our challenge this week was to finalize storage facility requirements. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Not so much! To get on a […]
Cindy’s Thoughts on Retirement
Ahhhh…retirement….I have been retired a month now. People often ask me what I am doing with myself now that I am retired. They have visions of me sleeping on my hammock, reading a good book, lazing away the days. Here is my answer to their questions in pictures: I am also meeting with […]
To Toss or Not to Toss
To Toss or Not to Toss…it has become a frustrating question. As you have read, we are in the throes of tossing stuff. Pun intended. Unfortunately, we have tossed stuff that we later need. It has become a bit frustrating. I hear Mark mumble around the house that he recently either gave something away […]
A Few Good Men
Have you ever wondered how much cubic footage you would need if you stacked just about everything you own into one space? We just figured it out. We are at a point now where we need to start moving things into a long-term storage facility. We plan to keep some stuff in the house we […]