Funny Stuff

Hmm! Not What I Expected

  If you are a regular reader of this blog, you already know I have been selling our home wares on eBay and Craigslist in preparation for our move aboard Cream Puff. As I get money in my PayPal account, I purchase something on the wish list for Cream Puff. So far ~ knock on […]

Categories: Funny Stuff

What Are The Odds?

Follow my blog with Bloglovin   Bogart’s famous line from Casablanca:  “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine” Of all the stores in all the towns and all the cards on all the shelves in all the world, what are the odds Cindy and I would pick […]

Categories: About Us, Funny Stuff

SSB Radio

Have I told you lately how much I hate my SSB radio? This continues to be the project from hell. I have just spent the last 6 days installing the final components during which my body was upside-down, pretzelized, compacted, stretched and turned inside out. I am now convince to be capable of installing electronic […]

Categories: Equipment, Funny Stuff


(click any picture to enlarge and start a slide show)   This past week Cindy celebrated her birthday aboard Cream Puff. We spent an entire week away from land. We started by anchoring in the Manatee River. Yes, they do have manatees in the Manatee River.  This was followed by a fantastic sail offshore in […]

Categories: About Us, Funny Stuff, Maintenance, Nautical Stuff

eBay Karma

I’ve been doing a lot of buying and selling lately. I am selling stuff on eBay that has some value but we do not want to put in storage for the time we are cruising. It is amazing how much stuff I have listed. And, on the flip side, I’m buying stuff for Cream Puff […]

Categories: Funny Stuff, Money

My $45,000 Rental Car

I am flying to St Petersburg ahead of Cindy and need a rental car for 4 days until Cindy catches up with me. Being the very tight fisted individual I am with money, I check all the web sites, discounters and wholesale groups for the best possible price for car rentals. After all, a car […]

Categories: Funny Stuff

Guy Humor

  I think this is hysterical, but then again I’m a guy. This is a toy at one of the stores on Duval Street called KIDs In All Sizes. I wanted to add this on our Key West post but needed to figure out how to edit the video and add sound. I figured it out. […]

Categories: Funny Stuff

A Little Bird

This is really amazing. So here we are about 18-20 miles offshore. We are making our way into Tampa Bay. The winds are easterly, blowing away from the land. It is almost dark. All of a sudden a little bird crashes into our boat. We normally see gulls and the occasional hawk this far our […]

Categories: Funny Stuff, Sailing Adventures

Fixin’ Stuff

One of the many joys of boat ownership is “fixin’ stuff”. In my opinion there are two types of boaters in this world, those that fix their own boats and those who pay people to fix their boats. Of course, the implied constant here is boats will always need fixing. And, guess what, they do. […]

Categories: About Us, Funny Stuff

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