Funny Stuff
Fortune Cookies
We ate Thai food tonight. Here are the fortunes from the fortune cookies. We had a real chuckle when I opened mine (the bottom one). When we opened Cindy’s we were looking for the Candid Camera.
Surprise Surprise!
Nobody is more surprised than I am at the number of people who follow our blog. We really enjoy doing the updates and hope we can bring a smile to a reader’s face every once and a while. We do the blog mostly for selfish purposes. It is a way for us to look back […]
Life on a Boat
Our first week on the boat was marvelous. Our pace has slowed from crazy go like a mad thing to slow but sure. We hoped to do a little sailing but the weather this week was yucky. But hey, we have plenty of time for sailing down the road. We spent most of our time […]
Real Men Sew
Cruising sailors are notoriously tight fisted with money. I would like you to think of a friend who is tight with money. Got one? Okay, now think of how tight they are and double it. You are getting close. Now multiply it by ten. Welcome to the world of cruising sailors. I cannot begin to […]
What if….
One of the questions people ask us (a lot) is, how safe is it to cruise on a boat? Well, quite honestly, it isn’t very safe at all. A lot of really bad things can go wrong and when they do, serious consequences are lurking. But, I think I have to ask myself the question, […]
Murphy Lurks in the Shadows
We carry a large inventory of spare parts aboard Cream Puff. The previous owner included bags of goodies when we purchased her. We have continued to add to the inventory. Each time something breaks, we replace it and add a couple of extras into inventory. This was much easier to do when we had […]
To Toss or Not to Toss
To Toss or Not to Toss…it has become a frustrating question. As you have read, we are in the throes of tossing stuff. Pun intended. Unfortunately, we have tossed stuff that we later need. It has become a bit frustrating. I hear Mark mumble around the house that he recently either gave something away […]
The Day the Moccasin Died
I am a person who doesn’t like change. And, we’re not talking nickels and dimes here. For as far back as I can remember, when faced with the purchase of new clothing, I have always wanted the same thing I just had. If I found a dress shirt I really liked, I would buy five. […]
Please Cancel Our Mail, Forever
There was a great Seinfeld episode (Season 9 – Episode 5) where Kramer tries to cancel his mail, forever. Here’s a clip certain to bring a smile to your face: (click here or below) I have just gone through a similar experience. Our friends often ask us how we will get our mail once […]
Our Boat Stinks!
Peeeeee-yew! That’s what our neighbors are saying about Cream Puff. We have a pet Osprey who enjoys using the very top of our mizzen mast (rear shorter mast) as a dining room table. Ospreys eat fish. They are messy eaters. All the lovely parts of the fish the osprey doesn’t eat, like the guts, head […]
Taking Out The Trash
We are systematically looking at every item in our house and making a tough assessment. We ask ourselves, do we: Take it to the boat? Put it in a storage unit? Donate it to charity? Put it in the trash? For the past 2 weeks, we worked on the last item: trash. It is […]
The pictures pretty much say it all…..
I have a new mental picture. It comes to me often. I see our boat sailing on a nice blue sky day. We are off on some nice adventure to some far off land. Behind us, I see a U-Haul (moving van) on a raft holding all the overflow from what will not fit on […]
All Is Lost
So, I watched the movie. Cindy didn’t want to watch it. Cindy, as it turns out, is the smarter one. What do I have in common with Robert Redford? We both lost something. He lost his boat and I lost one hundred and six minutes of my life. Cindy’s decision not to watch was […]
New Neighbors
Well, the rent in our neighborhood just went up. Check out our new neighbors. This is truly well into the yacht classification. This 145 foot Christensen yacht is new to the current owner. The original owner kept the yacht on the East coast of Florida. The new owner is a St. Petersburg local resident. The […]