
Airlie Beach and Some Really Fun Stuff

After a fabulous couple of days watching Kangaroos on the beach, we continued our journey northward. Our next stop is Airlie Beach. Airlie Beach is a tourist trap. Not that there is anything wrong with that. What is there to do there? Tourism stuff. Reasons for a tourist to go there: First, it has access […]

Categories: Australia, Sailing Blog, Side Trips

A Long Reminiscing Post about a Long Journey

The Cream Puff Crew has hit a few milestones. 2024 marked 42 years that Mark and I have been sailing together. In a few months, we will have owned Cream Puff for 14 years. In just a few days it will be 10 years of living full-time on Cream Puff. We tend to forget to […]

Categories: Australia, Looking Back, Sailing Blog

The Hunt For Kangaroos – Part II

Link to Part I I can begin this post by saying we’ve seen kangaroos. Sadly, they were dead ones. A good portion of vehicles here sport what they call Roo Guards. Judging by the number of vehicles we see fitted with these, it might be a safe assumption that when driving country roads, hitting a […]

Categories: Australia, Sailing Blog, Side Trips

The Hunt For Kangaroos – Part I

As I mentioned here previously, it’s nice to be back in a place where we can get stuff done or buy what we need with choices. We’ve spent the past couple of weeks lining up some contractors to do work on the Puffster. We are finding our way about the Brisbane area nicely and really […]

Categories: Australia, Sailing Blog, Side Trips

What do we think of Australia, so far?

We are in a bit of a ritzy area. There are a ton of homes located on canals with large boats behind them. Over the holidays, the private piers were decorated and as we passed over a bridge, we were treated to rather pleasant festive views. Because we are in a nice area, things tend […]

Categories: Australia, Sailing Blog

Redcliffe and Bundaberg

After our first week in Australia, we have learned a thing, or two. For those that really know me, you know I love music. I listen to just about anything and when my iPod (yes, I still have one) is on shuffle, there is no telling what will play. In my library, I have almost […]

Categories: Australia, Sailing Blog, Side Trips


We have arrived safely in Australia taking about 5 days to cross the Coral Sea from New Caledonia to Brisbane. The whole trip was rather boring. Boring on a boat is a really good thing. It means no bad weather, nothing broken, decent sleep, no seasickness, and good food.  Cindy read two books and I […]

Categories: Australia, Sailing Adventures, Sailing Blog

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