Author Archives: Cindy

Flies, Crabs and the Bay

  Dear future cruisers, if you plan to visit the Chesapeake Bay I have two words for you; mosquito netting. Oh wait! Let’s make that five words; mosquito netting and fly swatters. I have found these items to be as necessary as cooking pots and sunscreen. Nothing more needs to be said.   Maybe more does […]

Categories: Chesapeake Bay, Funny Stuff

The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia

  If you remember this song titlle you are probably around my age or older. Ok, maybe it wasn’t Georgia, but we were just across the river from Georgia and “The Night the Lights Went out in the Town Across the River from Georgia” just was not as humorous. And there is not a song […]

Categories: Equipment, Sailing Adventures, USA

Shake, Rattle and Roll

  Ah…land ho! The sight of St Augustine, Florida was just wonderful. We originally planned to be in St. Augustine for a week but we think we will stay two. During each leg of the journey from St. Petersburg to St. Augustine something on the boat simply decided it didn’t want to play anymore. As […]

Categories: Maintenance, USA

Meals on the Go

One of the questions I am often asked is about food while we are sailing. How do we have meals while we are on trips when we are sailing several days to get to a destination without stopping?  This is a good question because I can see the wheels turning in their minds. How do […]

Categories: Equipment, Questions Women Ask

Fifty Shades of Gray ….. but not What You are Thinking

  It is nice that in these days and times people have more options when it comes to hairstyles. I would have loved to have had the blue or pink streaks added to my hair when I was young. Much to my family’s delight this idea was not invented until I was too old to […]

Categories: About Us, Pre-sailing Preparation, Questions Women Ask

Losing My Keys

  I guess I really have not given key chains much thought over the past 30 years or so. That is, until today. I remember my first key chain. I was not even close to driving age yet but I had a little key chain. The novelty of buying souvenirs at roadside stops was new to […]

Categories: About Us, Pre-sailing Preparation, Questions Women Ask

Cindy’s Two Cents Worth at 50% Off

A week or so ago, Mark was working on a post for the blog. I think he was writing about moving from the house onto the boat. He asked me if at some point I would “add my two cents on the subject” and put it in a post.  I think I was busy trying […]

Categories: About Us, Pre-sailing Preparation, Questions Women Ask

The Day of the Binder

I have carried a personal planner in the form of a DayTimer binder around with me for, well, probably since when they were invented. I cannot remember in my adult working life not having one with me at all times. I continued using one even with today’s modern technology. I found that if I did […]

Categories: About Us

Cindy’s Thoughts on Retirement

  Ahhhh…retirement….I have been retired a month now. People often ask me what I am doing with myself now that I am retired. They have visions of me sleeping on my hammock, reading a good book, lazing away the days. Here is my answer to their questions in pictures:   I am also meeting with […]

Categories: About Us, Pre-sailing Preparation

To Toss or Not to Toss

  To Toss or Not to Toss…it has become a frustrating question. As you have read, we are in the throes of tossing stuff. Pun intended. Unfortunately, we have tossed stuff that we later need.  It has become a bit frustrating. I hear Mark mumble around the house that he recently either gave something away […]

Categories: About Us, Funny Stuff, Pre-sailing Preparation, Questions Women Ask


I have a new mental picture. It comes to me often. I see our boat sailing on a nice blue sky day. We are off on some nice adventure to some far off land. Behind us, I see a U-Haul (moving van) on a raft holding all the overflow from what will not fit on […]

Categories: About Us, Funny Stuff

Marina Life

Many ladies I talk to are worried about leaving behind their social life for cruising life. From what I have read and heard first hand, there is quite a lot of social life for cruisers. I have found that one of the best decisions we made was moving to a more social marina before going […]

Categories: About Us, Questions Women Ask


Owning a boat and a house has a lot of pluses and a few negatives. One of the down falls is that you have double the chores. I either read or heard someone categorize chores into blue chores and pink chores. The phrase is quite self explanatory and I am sure you already have mental […]

Categories: Maintenance, Questions Women Ask


For those who read my post about what to do with our stuff here is the update: I had written about what to do with so many years of accumulated stuff. So far we have filled an entire construction dumpster with “junk” that we no longer need. You know, the stuff that accumulates for years, […]

Categories: About Us, Questions Women Ask

Big Jumps

Mark wrote that about eight months ago I said to him, “We are both sitting on the dock with our toes in the water. One of us needs to jump in and pull the other with them”.  This meaning our plans to retire early, go sailing and the clock of time ticking loudly in our […]

Categories: About Us, Questions Women Ask

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