To Toss or Not to Toss

Wait! I need that back, please.

Wait! I need that back, please.


To Toss or Not to Toss…it has become a frustrating question. As you have read, we are in the throes of tossing stuff. Pun intended. Unfortunately, we have tossed stuff that we later need.  It has become a bit frustrating. I hear Mark mumble around the house that he recently either gave something away or threw it away and now needs it again. It has us both standing over the trash can wondering for too many seconds if we will need the item in the near future.

I do know there are a few things we no longer have and that we don’t miss. We have not missed squeezing trips to the boat into a busy work schedule.  We don’t miss having jobs to go to every day. Well, maybe a bit at first but it wore off quickly.

There are some things I will miss like my laundry room. I know I will miss my kitchen as well. We love to cook and it is a place where friends gather. But, I am having fun learning to use my limited space and appliances on the boat. I usually have a backup plan just in case one of my new adventures in boat galley cuisine does not turn out quite like home. It helps that we are walking distance to some nice eateries as well.  I have a bit of time to practice before we start cruising. I haven’t set off any smoke alarms ~ yet ~ which is always a plus.

I guess a trip to the hardware store to replace an item recently tossed is not that big of a deal, even if they are getting to know us on a first name basis. It is always nice to make new friends.


Categories: About Us, Funny Stuff, Pre-sailing Preparation, Questions Women Ask

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